A new study, funded by the U.S. Navy and conducted by University of Colorado Boulder researchers, finds that prebiotics help regulate circadian rhythm and help to restore that rhythm after it has been disrupted. The role of a healthy circadian rhythm in helping to maintain health and decrease disease risk is well established, so researchers […]
Research Alert: Meal Timing Lowers Blood Pressure Via the Gut Microbiome
The gut microbiome is getting more attention these days as research continues to find ways that this part of the body affects human health. In fact, some medical researchers and doctors now consider the gut microbiome to be a separate and distinct organ that’s just as important as the heart, lungs or kidneys. New research […]
Newly Discovered Immune System Mechanism Links Sleep and Gut Health
If you work nights or experience other conditions that prevent you from getting good sleep in the evening hours, research has shown that you are at a greater risk of developing a weakened immune system. Now, a new study has discovered that the immune system may also play a pivotal role in the relationship between […]
Intermittent Fasting Affects Circadian Rhythm, Says New Study
Dietary fads seem to come and go with the seasons. Fasting, particularly intermittent fasting, seems to be here to stay. A growing number of people are achieving weight loss and other health goals using this simple method of eating. According to new research, this may be due to the way intermittent fasting affects circadian rhythm. […]
Disrupting Gut Bacteria Circadian Rhythm Leads to Serious Health Consequences
The gastrointestinal microbiome and its effects on human health have been all over the media lately. While we have known for hundreds of years that there are bacteria in our gut, we are just beginning to grasp their diversity and complexity. Some recent studies have focused on the circadian rhythm of these tiny bacteria. Like all […]